Originally Posted by Sun Tzu (view original source)
Today in Ynystere I witnessed hundreds of bots, farming blatantly in open areas, some even multiboxing with obvious names and pathing. It doesn't take rocket science to ascertain that this epidemic is growing out of control. I understand the GM workload must be very high but something has to be done to stop this threat. They are just so obvious and ridiculous, you PK them, they run right back down their path until they arrive at their farming area.
In the past, games like Lineage II have had issues with mass amounts of bots, they ruined the economy and are doing so here, as well.
I propose a fix. In most MMOs, there are "guides", for example - in EverQuest II if you had trouble with a quest a volunteering player who had undergone "guide training" would be able to come and assist you, to lighten GM load.
In EVE Online there is a similar program called ISD or Interstellar Services Department, which works in similar fashion.
They could also do other tasks like host scheduled events, help people with minor technical issues, flag people for botting or abusing the system.
XL Games put justice in the power of the player when it comes to Player-Killing or being a villain. Why not put justice in our hands for the bots? I understand, it isn't some power you could just hand out - allowing people to flag/ban bots at will, but a system with rigid training and perhaps some sort of 'benefit' to the player for being a part of the program would help combat this growing threat.
I don't see how there would be harm in this and I think most of you would agree that a 'guide' system would benefit us all, especially if they had some power to - in the very least - flag someone for botting, much less ban.
If you support this program please explain or simply +1 the thread in some fashion.
I really think we can get something going - if TRION agrees to it.
Lets call it the "ArcheAngel" program.
TRION, we want to make this game succeed just as much, if not more, than you do. We enjoy it, we're happy you publish it, and we don't want it to go to waste. As fellow gamers and professionals I am sure you can understand how this solution would benefit us all. Please consider this and lets work together to make a better gaming experience for all.
If you want to officially show your support for this idea you can head over the official forums and weigh in on the matter. The official thread is currently over 15 pages and has more than 200 votes that are overwhelmingly in favor of the idea. Check out the thread here.
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