This week's livestream is hosted by:
Producer Merv “Khrolan” Lee Kwai,
Lead Producer Victoria “FireCait” Voss
Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman
Community Appreciation Giveaway
- Non-Paying players (F2P, Patrons via APEX only, never used real world cash)
- 4 Pirate yata treasure chests
- 2 Bound worker's compensation potions (500 labor each)
- 1 Bound vocation tonic
- 10 Bound golden library indexes
- 2 Bound Tyrenos's indexes
- Paying players (If you've paid at anytime since launch)
- Cyanfin
- Starlight wings glider customization
- 1 Ayanad 7 day pass: 1st floor lobby
- 1 Ayanad 7 day pass: 2nd floor lobby
- 1 Ayanad 7 day pass: 3rd floor lobby
- 5 Bound worker's compensation potions (500 labor each)
- 2 Bound vocation tonics
- 30 Bound golden libray indexes
- 10 Bound Tyrenos's indexes
- 10 XP boost potions
- 1 Lucky sunpoint
- 1 Lucky moonpoint
- 1 Lucky starpoint
- 1 Sunlight archeum essence
- 1 Moonlight archeum essence
- 1 Starlight archeum essence
- Must be an active account
- Must have logged in at least once in the last 30 days prior to 3/19/15
- Must claim gifts by 3/31/15
- Players who purchased any Aquatic Archuem Supply Crates
- Receive 1 reward coin for each crate purchased
- Receive when 1.7A launches (target end of April)
- Redeem in Mirage Isle
- Redeemable for any previously available RNG box
- Archeum Supply Crate
- • Hallowtide Giftpack
- • Striped Archeum Supply Crate
- • Flashy Racing Kit
- • Mirrorshine Racing Kit
- • Classic Racing Kit
- • Winter Maiden’s Gift
- • Rudolph Archeum Supply Crate
- • Friendly Flyer Treasure Chest
- • Ursamancer’s Archeum Supply Crate
- • Service Staff’s Gift Box
- • Valentine’s Gift
- • Aquatic Archeum Supply Crate
- • Eastern Legacy Chest
- • Yata Pirate’s Treasure Chest
- • Limited Edition: Housewarming Gifts
- All boxes are bind on pickup
- All rare contents are also bind on pickup
- Costumes
- Mounts
- Etc
- Even if they weren't BoP in the past
- Same drop rates as before
- Official forum thread
Updated Patron Benefits
- Coming with 1.7
- 10 lp per 5 min offline regen
- 50% commision discount when posting on the auction house
- Can use AH anywhere in the world
- Through UI button that is being added
- Repair gear from anywhere
- Also through a new UI button
- 20% Activation decrease in "lifestyle related abilities"
- Basically harvesting, etc
- XP Bonus increasing from 10% to 20%
- All comes at 1.7
- Aiming for end of April live
- Mid April PTS
SoA Update
- Currently on PTS
- Scheduled to go live on Tuesday 3/24
- Crimson Lightning
- Video footage and ability info
- Upgrade to Earthen Roar
- Hanure will drop Crimson Lightning essences
- Combine enough essences with Earthen Roar to get CL
- Combine in Hasla by talking to Hasaru
- Same NPC for Hasla tokens
- Pirates cannot interact with Hasaru
- So right now they can't get Crimson Lightning
- Will add a new NPC to Freedich Island
- Pirates can use to upgrade to Crimson Lightning
- And Hasla tokens
- Coming in 1.7
- Cyanfin
- Gains sonar
- Patch notes here
Archeum / Crafting
- Not a lot of new information since last week
- Increasing the amount that comes from coinpurses
- Currently looking at a 50% increase
- Ex: A coinpurse drops archeum 20% of time
- Now it will drop 30% of the time
- These are made up numbers
- Will affect most coinpurses
- More details to follow when available
- Archeum trees will be affected as well
- Changing success/fail rates on regrades
- In 1.7
- Lower grades (Arcane, Heroic, Unique[?])
- Greater chance to progress upwards
- Downgrades will be reduced
- Still fail, just won't downgrade
- Celestial Tier
- Reducing item destruction
- Being changed to downgrade
- Can still destruct, but at a lower rate
- That rate that is being removed is being added to downgrade
- Divine/Epic/Legendary
- No change
Can we get better items to purchase for vocation badges?
Yes, this is in the works. Not ready to release details at this time.
Will coinpurses we loot right now have the new archeum rates when that is released?
This is currently being implemented so we can't say for certain, but most our assumption is that all coin purses will get the new rules since the roll is done on opening the coinpurse. We will verify this with XL.
Will there ever be a fix for afternoon suns? Since release it can only be crafted at a regal alchemy table but the tooltip says you just need an alchemy table.
This is a lowest priority bug that they are aware of. Along with with blue salt cooking quests
Can we make larceny better?
Opening coinpurses is currently one of the best ways to make money in the game. There is no current plans to give it any other benefits.
Why is regrade cost so much on Obsidian weapons?
Because they are level 50 items and regrade costs scales on item level.
Vehicles / Mounts
- Some upcoming ship changes
- Max player capacity on ships will determine if it stays afloat
- Running aground and ramming other ships will cause damage
- Armageddon mount armor
- For all mounts, not just Pegasus
- Purchased at stablehand
- Balanced just under Serpentis and Lord's armor.
- Pictures of all mount types in Armageddon Armor
How are you doing on mount and glider rebalancing?
It has become a topic again. Two incoming mounts that break the current meta (Crimson Lightning and Pegasus). They are considered the first effort at T3 mounts. No move speed increase but have new abilities.
Why is the Pegasus so expensive?
Because it's a Pegasus. It's the best looking mount to be released and it glides. We want it to be a long term goal for players.
When will we get the griffon mount and will it be loyalty?
We don't have answers for this yet, we haven't even got Pegasus live yet. (Coming Friday along with Armageddon armor).
Fishing boats FPS and other fixes?
Should be addressed in 1.7.
- Plate Armor and Magic Resistance
- XL is committed to reviewing plate armor
- In the second half of this year
- Magic resist is not necessarily the answer
- Plate does need a benefit to be competitive when reaching soft caps
- Healer Itemization
- Adding healer drops to Serpentis
- Also adding healer drops to other dungeons
- Similar to the way they added them to quests in the past
Sieges / PvP
- Will be upgrading much more closely to the KR version
- In 1.7
- Values not set in stone
- Need testing
- Increasing ladder HP
- Ladder next to portion of stronghold castle
- Ability to reduce defense of the wall
- War drum benefits increase
- Decreasing tower/gatehouse/lodestone HP
- Increasing canon damage on top of siege towers
- Also have some long term goals for sieges
- Reducing the way unbuilt structures interact with sieges
- Doodads on local properties disappear when a siege starts currently
- XL is trying to make all houses despawn during the siege
Can we lower the number of kills required to move a zone through the stages of conflict?
It could probably be done, but would have to be well thought out.
Can get better rewards for killing wanted players?
I've seen some fun ideas on this but nothing in the works right now.
It could probably be done, but would have to be well thought out.
Can get better rewards for killing wanted players?
I've seen some fun ideas on this but nothing in the works right now.
- Forum Access
- They pushed a platform update
- It broke login and a lot of other features
- They are fully functional again, now
- Valentine's Day contest winners
- Were getting dolphins as prizes
- Will be getting new prizes
- Scapes is still working out what to give them
- XP to get to level 55
- Specifically to level from 50-55
- Trion feels the xp amount is a little high
- 1.7 may see a change to lower it a little bit
- This is mostly to help with leveling alternate trees
- Naming 1.7 Contest
- Scapes is currently designing this.
- Will be a vote to determines finalists.
- Trion picks from the finalists.
Increased family size?
The request is in to XL, no improvements have been seen yet.
Is God Whip OP?
Bigger issue is animation cancelling with it which you can do with other abilities. Helps equalize casters. It is very strong, it does wreck. We can review it, go on the forums and describe exactly why you think it is OP. Changes can't be made to this ability without considering all the consequences, no arm chair dev work on this ability.
Any ETA on being able to pay taxes early?
It is in the works, no definitive timeline, but possibly 1.7B or 1.8.
Server transfers?
Logistics are being discussed to bring the tech to our servers. Looking at 4-6 months. There is more info on why this takes so long on the forums [I will see if I can find a link].
Library memory leaks?
Tracking this as a bug, no update on a fix right now but working on the issue.
Do the bound indexes expire?
They should not.
Plans for additional rewards on serving juries over 100?
No plans.
Will the drop rate of the Mystical Haunted chest be increased?
ETA on Hanure change?
On PTS currently, coming live on Tuesday, 3/24.
Scapes, can you make sure to post the right times for important updates?
Yes, I'm sorry, daylight savings is hard. (Some EU countries hadn't gone into DST so they went into maintenance an hour earlier than he announced)
Guild UI?
We've been talking to XL about this for a long time. We know the functionality is limited. Won't happen until at least 1.8.
Can we sort our memory tomb?
We would love that as much as you would.
Thanks to "Dolphingate" this livestream had over 5k viewers, from what I've seen they usually get a bit over 3k.
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