Friday, March 27, 2015

3/27 Livestream Recap


  • Steam
    • Bringing lots of new players
  • Character creation locked on high population servers
    • 3rd weekend
  • Valentines Day contest prizes
    • Check the thread
    • Finalized next week
  • XL and Trion have weekly discussions
    • They talk about hot issues from the community

Any plans to get additional rankings besides arena and fishing?
There are two, farming and a gear competition with the addition of a gear score.

Server transfers?
KR does have a very poor server transfer system. It's done manually and it is not meant for mass transfers. The server merge process is also very clunky. We are working on a better solution and implementation to this?

Could we get time stamps on chat?
That would be great but it has some unique difficulties.

Are the quests for painting scraps on floor 2 and 3 bugged, or just more rare?
Shouldn't be bugged, Khrolan has found a scrap on floor 3. We'll look into this to see if it's just much more rare.

Spreading Flames event

  • Corpse only stays for 1 hour in game time
    • Not 1 hour real time like originally thought
  • You can get 1 scale per day
  • Commemorative Crafting table
    • No plans to remove it after the event

Why was the time given for how long the corpse lasts incorrect?
The way we receive these events is kind of baked into the build and they don't turn on until the start time and then they shut up automatically at the end time. This includes PTS so we weren't able to test it before hand to make any clarifications on the description we received. We're going to try and get this changed so that in the future we can test the events before they go live so that we can give a lot better information.

Any events planned for April and beyond?
There are things on the table. One idea is to offer double loyalty for a certain amount of time where you would get 10 loyalty tokens for logging in rather than just 5.

Dread Prophecies

  • Name for 1.7A
    • Naming contest will be for a later contest
  • Will get several spotlight articles like SoA
  • Ship customization
  • Naval combat
  • More info on next livestream
  • Ghost ships
  • Global farming competition
    • Similar to arena and fishing competitions
      • Based on first place experia plants
      • Who can get the most
  • A hard cap on the max swim speed you can have
  • Still on target for the end of April
  • Tons of new canons coming
    • Some option examples
      • Longer cooldowns
      • Shorter cooldowns
      • Damage to players
      • Damage to ships
      • Longer firing arcs
      • Larger splash ranges
  • Masts have to be cranked up and down now
  • Will be able to respawn on ships
    • You put an ivory Nui statue on the front of your ship
    • If your in a raid you respawn on that ship
    • Gain a buff on respawn to help defend that ship
  • Fishing boat customization
    • Gaining lots of utility
      • Can track sea creatures instead of just fishing holes
      • Can add a workbench that allows players to create ammo

Mounts / Vehicles

  • Pegasus is available
    • 625 loyalty
    • Newly revamped archeum supply crates
      • Higher chances to get the stuff you want
      • Removed the stuff you don't want
  • Black Pegasus is in the works
    • Estimated a couple months out
  • Pegasus starts at level 50
    • Not sure why that is
      • Probably because so majestic

When to increase pet or mount level to 55?
No plans on this yet.

Timber coupe?
Officially will come in 1.7B which is roughly scheduled for 6-8 weeks after Dread Prophecies (1.7A)

How is the fishing boats latency fix coming?
In Dread Prophecies (1.7A) there are some good changes for fishing boats.

Will we ever be able to put spaces in names of houses, mounts, and ships?
That is a localization thing since other languages don't have spaces. No plans currently on this.

Why is the mirage donkey so expensive on loyalty shop?
Because it's an advanced mount.

Will there be a fix to the mirage donkey's fast swim speed?
In Dread Prophecies (1.7A) there will be a cap on how fast you can swim, this should solve that.

Why all this focus on the sea when it's barely alive?
XL is pumping a lot of life into the ocean and are going to be giving everyone lots of reasons to be on the sea.

When are skateboards introduced?
Currently scheduled for 1.7B. They are currently called longboards.

The challenge is they were really OP in alpha. The current version of them is a nerfed version and that's where they are at: crappy. They are being reworked and will be craftable in 1.7 (not sure if Dread Prophecies or part B yet).


  • Specialty packs will be coming to Auroria
    • Is a long ways off

Are bundles working as intended?
Bundles are less efficient and you don't get rares, but they save time, it's a trade off. No known changes coming at this time, but it is talked about a lot internally. It will be brought up with XL in the next discussion.

Can we get aquatic experia crops?
No plans for this. Will keep it in mind.

Any changes to Handicrafting to make it more inline with other professions?
At some point it will catch up, but not sure what build it comes in.

Any chance tax certificates will ever be available from the general goods merchant?
This will probably never happen.

Is XL going to change tax scaling so that it continues to increase over 10 properties owned?
Trion had thought it was not working as intended a couple of months ago, but now talking with XL they have said that they intentionally have that cap and it likely won't be changing.

Arena / PvP

What are you going to do about people AFKing in arena?
This is Khrolan's top issue. He knows that it's a bigger problem since introduction of the competition. The best solution is to force a drop and force a respawn, Trion is trying to force this issue.

Why are there no spawn locations for fish off the coast in peace conditions?
Fishing is risk vs reward. If you want the reward you have to take the risk.

Why is there no peace after war on the sea?
Oceans are always at war. The ocean is a dangerous place. The oceans are all about combat in ArcheAge.


  • New item coming soon
  • Remove appearance customization on a piece of gear
  • Returns it back to the original
  • Will remove the appearance item
  • Will remain for a longer time
  • Armageddon Armor is a limited time sale in the marketplace

Will Armageddon armor be anywhere other than the marketplace?
No plans for now.


When will get get class balance changes?
It's in KR 1.7, but aren't sure if we get them in 1.7A or 1.7B. There are about 72 line item changes on combat changes.

Will we get all the balance changes from the KR versions or will there be any differences?
Most likely it will be the same, although it could be possible to make some slight changes depending on the change.

Does XL plan on changing the stats on obsidian bows?
No changes are on the way for core obsidian weapons.

When will the next obsidian armor and weapons come?
There are obsidian weapons version 2. They come in future updates, 1.7B or 1.8.

Is anyone looking into animation cancelling exploit?
This is not working as intended as is a known issue. There is no definitive answer on this right now, but we will likely get the fix that KR has.

ArcheAge Back on Steam

Originally Posted by Trion Scapes (View Original Source)

ArcheAge Now Available on Steam

ArcheAge Now Available on Steam
Adventurers on Steam, the world of Erenor is now open to you!
ArcheAge is available for download on Steam right now and the Silver, Gold, and Archeum Secrets Packs can be purchased from the game page. Additionally, we’ve added a special bundle available only on Steam, the Sojourner’s Pack.
Begin your journey with 10 days of Patron Status, a Mirage Elk, a full set of Breeze Armor for your mount, two Inventory Expansion Scrolls, a Worker’s Compensation Potion, and a Crest Brainstorm for importing custom images into the game!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

ArcheAge Version 1.2 Build 5.2: Patch Notes

ArcheAge Version 1.2 Build 5.2: Patch Notes

  • The weekly Fishing Tournament has been enabled.
    • The tournament takes place every Saturday at Noon to 2:00 PM PDT (3:00-5:00 PM EDT, 19:00-21:00 GMT) in Mirage Island.
    • The gold rewards granted to players who place among the top finalists for this event have been decreased from the Korean version.
    • The top 5,000 ranked participants receive between 1 and 30 Fisher King Coins to be redeemed from the Contest Coin Collector [Mirage Isle Fishing Contest] on Mirage Isle.
    • The following items can be obtained by exchanging Fisher King Coins:
      • Time Catcher Token (Time Catcher Title, +2000 Fishing Proficiency) for 200 coins
      • Mermaid Bathtub (Housing Item) for 180 coins
      • Wrapped Thunderstruck Fishing Rod for 50 coins
      • Pink Kingfin Boater (Costume Hat, +1500 Fishing Proficiency) for 20 coins
      • Yellow Kingfin Boater (Costume Hat, +1500 Fishing Proficiency) for 20 coins
      • Green Kingfin Boater (Costume Hat, +1500 Fishing Proficiency) for 20 coins
  • The 1v1 Arena Tournament has been enabled.
    • Honor will be granted to the top 3,000 ranked players at the time the leaderboard cycles.
    • The amount of honor rewarded varies from 10,000 to 500 based on ranking.
EVENT: Spreading Flames
  • A new limited time event has been added: Spreading Flames.
    • Players of all levels can participate in the event at 8:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM PDT every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. [15:00, 19:00, 23:00 GMT]
    • To start the event, locate the event NPC known as the Dragon Hunter in Lilyut Hills, Tigerspine Mountains, Growlgate Island and Mirage Island.
    • Only one reward item can be obtained each weekend.
  • The amount of Appraisal Certificates required to initiate a land sale has changed based on the size of the property being sold:
    • 8x8 Workstations require 1 Certificate
    • 16x16 Cottages, Farms and Aquafarms require 1 Certificate
    • 24x24 Medium Houses or Gazebo Farms require 2 Certificates
    • 28x28 Large Houses require 3 Certificates
    • 44x44 Mansions require 4 Certificates
  • Cyanfin’s “Sonar” skill has been re-added. All existing versions of the Dolphin Mount will receive this skill retroactively.
  • Hanure the Hunter, a world boss in Hasla, has been increased to level 55.
    • The level bump has increased its max health, mana and strength of certain skills like any good level bump should.
  • The quest to obtain the Crimson Lightning Mount has been added to Hasaru, an NPC located in Hasla, at the Abandoned Drill Camp.
    • The requirements to obtain this quest include level 30 and ownership of the Earthen Roar mount.
    • Pirates cannot currently take this quest (or any Hasla Weapon Quest for that matter) and this is under review.
    • Crimson Lightning’s Stealth ability has received a duration reduction to ensure it doesn’t last as long as the ability’s cooldown.
  • The Red Dragon world boss now drops a Gilt Red Dragon Statue 100% of the time. This is in addition to its current drop list, which includes pretty much every player to come in range.
  • Fixed a display issue when loading mail at a mailbox.
  • Fix an issue that prevented Captain’s Intuition from expiring.
  • The Rudolph Hauler is now summoned with the Owner’s Mark buff active.
  • Added a change that automatically logs you in when using the in-game browser to contact customer support or when visiting the ArcheAge wiki.
  • This update will be available for download via Glyph during announced EU and NA game update server downtime windows. Please visit ourServer Status forum for details.
  • Looking to try out the new content early? The Public Test Server has been updated with this latest patch and is available now.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Crimson Lightning video, ability details, & Armageddon Armor Screenshots on all mount types

Crimson Lightning Footage

Abilities (Level 50 Crimson Lightning):

Mana 35
Range caster only
30 second cooldown
Increase move speed by +50% for 10 seconds.

Vicious Bite
Mana 198
Range 0-5 m
18 second cooldown
Deals 1297 physical damage and an additional 920 damage over 14 seconds.

Mana 87
Range 0-15 m
24 second cooldown
Triggers a charge that can stun a distant enemy for 2 seconds.

Mana 615
Range Caster only
1 minute cooldown
Rams caster into an enemy breaking through enemy lines for 3 seconds dealing 1297 damage to rammed enemies.

Lightning Stealth
Mana 411
Range Caster only
2 minute cooldown
Stealth both mount and rider for 1 minute. Stealth ends if you attack or are attacked. During Lightning Stealth and for some time afterwards the following skills are temporarily disabled: Overwhelm, Float, Charge, Retreat, Tiger Strike, and Behind Enemy Lines.

Armageddon Armor (Purchasable from Stable Hand for gold)

Friday, March 20, 2015

3/20 Livestream Recap

This week's livestream is hosted by:
Producer Merv “Khrolan” Lee Kwai,
Lead Producer Victoria “FireCait” Voss
Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman

Community Appreciation Giveaway

  • Non-Paying players (F2P, Patrons via APEX only, never used real world cash)
    • 4 Pirate yata treasure chests
    • 2 Bound worker's compensation potions (500 labor each)
    • 1 Bound vocation tonic
    • 10 Bound golden library indexes
    • 2 Bound Tyrenos's indexes
  • Paying players (If you've paid at anytime since launch)
    • Cyanfin
    • Starlight wings glider customization
    • 1 Ayanad 7 day pass: 1st floor lobby
    • 1 Ayanad 7 day pass: 2nd floor lobby
    • 1 Ayanad 7 day pass: 3rd floor lobby
    • 5 Bound worker's compensation potions (500 labor each)
    • 2 Bound vocation tonics
    • 30 Bound golden libray indexes
    • 10 Bound Tyrenos's indexes
    • 10 XP boost potions
    • 1 Lucky sunpoint
    • 1 Lucky moonpoint
    • 1 Lucky starpoint
    • 1 Sunlight archeum essence
    • 1 Moonlight archeum essence
    • 1 Starlight archeum essence
  • Must be an active account
    • Must have logged in at least once in the last 30 days prior to 3/19/15
  • Must claim gifts by 3/31/15
  • Players who purchased any Aquatic Archuem Supply Crates
    • Receive 1 reward coin for each crate purchased
      • Receive when 1.7A launches (target end of April)
      • Redeem in Mirage Isle
      • Redeemable for any previously available RNG box
        • Archeum Supply Crate
        • • Hallowtide Giftpack
        • • Striped Archeum Supply Crate
        • • Flashy Racing Kit
        • • Mirrorshine Racing Kit
        • • Classic Racing Kit
        • • Winter Maiden’s Gift
        • • Rudolph Archeum Supply Crate
        • • Friendly Flyer Treasure Chest
        • • Ursamancer’s Archeum Supply Crate
        • • Service Staff’s Gift Box
        • • Valentine’s Gift
        • • Aquatic Archeum Supply Crate
        • • Eastern Legacy Chest
        • • Yata Pirate’s Treasure Chest
        • • Limited Edition: Housewarming Gifts
      • All boxes are bind on pickup
        • All rare contents are also bind on pickup
          • Costumes
          • Mounts
          • Etc
          • Even if they weren't BoP in the past
      • Same drop rates as before
  • Official forum thread

Updated Patron Benefits

  • Coming with 1.7
  • 10 lp per 5 min offline regen
  • 50% commision discount when posting on the auction house
  • Can use AH anywhere in the world
    • Through UI button that is being added
  • Repair gear from anywhere
    • Also through a new UI button
  • 20% Activation decrease in "lifestyle related abilities"
    • Basically harvesting, etc
  • XP Bonus increasing from 10% to 20%
  • All comes at 1.7
    • Aiming for end of April live
    • Mid April PTS

SoA Update

  • Currently on PTS
    • Scheduled to go live on Tuesday 3/24
  • Crimson Lightning
    • Video footage and ability info
    • Upgrade to Earthen Roar
    • Hanure will drop Crimson Lightning essences
      • Combine enough essences with Earthen Roar to get CL
    • Combine in Hasla by talking to Hasaru 
      • Same NPC for Hasla tokens
      • Pirates cannot interact with Hasaru
        • So right now they can't get Crimson Lightning
        • Will add a new NPC to Freedich Island
          • Pirates can use to upgrade to Crimson Lightning
          • And Hasla tokens
          • Coming in 1.7
  • Cyanfin
    • Gains sonar
  • Patch notes here

Archeum / Crafting
  • Not a lot of new information since last week
  • Increasing the amount that comes from coinpurses
  • Currently looking at a 50% increase
    • Ex: A coinpurse drops archeum 20% of time
    • Now it will drop 30% of the time
    • These are made up numbers
  • Will affect most coinpurses
  • More details to follow when available
  • Archeum trees will be affected as well
  • Changing success/fail rates on regrades
    • In 1.7
  • Lower grades (Arcane, Heroic, Unique[?])
    • Greater chance to progress upwards
    • Downgrades will be reduced
      • Still fail, just won't downgrade
  • Celestial Tier
    • Reducing item destruction
      • Being changed to downgrade
        • Can still destruct, but at a lower rate
        • That rate that is being removed is being added to downgrade
  • Divine/Epic/Legendary
    • No change

Can we get better items to purchase for vocation badges?

Yes, this is in the works. Not ready to release details at this time.

Will coinpurses we loot right now have the new archeum rates when that is released?

This is currently being implemented so we can't say for certain, but most our assumption is that all coin purses will get the new rules since the roll is done on opening the coinpurse. We will verify this with XL.

Will there ever be a fix for afternoon suns? Since release it can only be crafted at a regal alchemy table but the tooltip says you just need an alchemy table. 

This is a lowest priority bug that they are aware of. Along with with blue salt cooking quests

Can we make larceny better?

Opening coinpurses is currently one of the best ways to make money in the game. There is no current plans to give it any other benefits.

Why is regrade cost so much on Obsidian weapons?

Because they are level 50 items and regrade costs scales on item level.

Vehicles / Mounts

  • Some upcoming ship changes
    • Max player capacity on ships will determine if it stays afloat
    • Running aground and ramming other ships will cause damage
  • Armageddon mount armor

How are you doing on mount and glider rebalancing?

It has become a topic again. Two incoming mounts that break the current meta (Crimson Lightning and Pegasus). They are considered the first effort at T3 mounts. No move speed increase but have new abilities.

Why is the Pegasus so expensive?

Because it's a Pegasus. It's the best looking mount to be released and it glides. We want it to be a long term goal for players.

When will we get the griffon mount and will it be loyalty?

We don't have answers for this yet, we haven't even got Pegasus live yet. (Coming Friday along with Armageddon armor).

Fishing boats FPS and other fixes?

Should be addressed in 1.7.


  • Plate Armor and Magic Resistance
    • XL is committed to reviewing plate armor
      • In the second half of this year
    • Magic resist is not necessarily the answer
    • Plate does need a benefit to be competitive when reaching soft caps
  • Healer Itemization
    • Adding healer drops to Serpentis
    • Also adding healer drops to other dungeons
    • Similar to the way they added them to quests in the past

Sieges / PvP

  • Will be upgrading much more closely to the KR version
    • In 1.7
  • Values not set in stone
    • Need testing
  • Increasing ladder HP
  • Ladder next to portion of stronghold castle
    • Ability to reduce defense of the wall
  • War drum benefits increase
  • Decreasing tower/gatehouse/lodestone HP
  • Increasing canon damage on top of siege towers
  • Also have some long term goals for sieges
    • Reducing the way unbuilt structures interact with sieges
    • Doodads on local properties disappear when a siege starts currently
    • XL is trying to make all houses despawn during the siege

Can we lower the number of kills required to move a zone through the stages of conflict?

It could probably be done, but would have to be well thought out.

Can get better rewards for killing wanted players?

I've seen some fun ideas on this but nothing in the works right now.


  • Forum Access
    • They pushed a platform update
    • It broke login and a lot of other features
    • They are fully functional again, now
  • Valentine's Day contest winners
    • Were getting dolphins as prizes
    • Will be getting new prizes
    • Scapes is still working out what to give them
  • XP to get to level 55
    • Specifically to level from 50-55
    • Trion feels the xp amount is a little high
    • 1.7 may see a change to lower it a little bit
    • This is mostly to help with leveling alternate trees
  • Naming 1.7 Contest
    • Scapes is currently designing this.
    • Will be a vote to determines finalists.
    • Trion picks from the finalists.

Increased family size?

The request is in to XL, no improvements have been seen yet.

Is God Whip OP?

Bigger issue is animation cancelling with it which you can do with other abilities. Helps equalize casters. It is very strong, it does wreck. We can review it, go on the forums and describe exactly why you think it is OP. Changes can't be made to this ability without considering all the consequences, no arm chair dev work on this ability.

Any ETA on being able to pay taxes early?

It is in the works, no definitive timeline, but possibly 1.7B or 1.8.

Server transfers? 

Logistics are being discussed to bring the tech to our servers. Looking at 4-6 months. There is more info on why this takes so long on the forums [I will see if I can find a link].

Library memory leaks?

Tracking this as a bug, no update on a fix right now but working on the issue.

Do the bound indexes expire?

They should not.

Plans for additional rewards on serving juries over 100?

No plans.

Will the drop rate of the Mystical Haunted chest be increased?


ETA on Hanure change?

On PTS currently, coming live on Tuesday, 3/24.

Scapes, can you make sure to post the right times for important updates?

Yes, I'm sorry, daylight savings is hard. (Some EU countries hadn't gone into DST so they went into maintenance an hour earlier than he announced)

Guild UI?

We've been talking to XL about this for a long time. We know the functionality is limited. Won't happen until at least 1.8.

Can we sort our memory tomb?

We would love that as much as you would.

Thanks to "Dolphingate" this livestream had over 5k viewers, from what I've seen they usually get a bit over 3k.

PTS Patch Notes - Secrets of Ayanad Update

These changes are currently on PTS and scheduled to hit live during an extended maintenance (for server updates) on Tuesday, 3/24. The currently estimated downtime is 7 hours. Exact details will be released as we get closer to the update.

* The weekly Fishing Tournament has been enabled. 
- The tournament takes place every Saturday at Noon to 2:00 PM PDT (3:00-5:00 PM EDT, 19:00-21:00 GMT) in Mirage Island. 
- The gold rewards granted to players who place among the top finalists for this event have been decreased from the Korean version.
- The top 5,000 ranked participants receive between 1 and 30 Fisher King Coins to be redeemed from the Contest Coin Collector [Mirage Isle Fishing Contest] on Mirage Isle.
- The following items can be obtained by exchanging Fisher King Coins:
Time Catcher Token (Time Catcher Title, +2000 Fishing Proficiency) for 200 coins
Mermaid Bathtub (Housing Item) for 180 coins
Wrapped Thunderstruck Fishing Rod for 50 coins
Pink Kingfin Boater (Costume Hat, +1500 Fishing Proficiency) for 20 coins
Yellow Kingfin Boater (Costume Hat, +1500 Fishing Proficiency) for 20 coins
Green Kingfin Boater (Costume Hat, +1500 Fishing Proficiency) for 20 coins

* The 1v1 Arena Tournament has been enabled. 
- Honor will be granted to the top 3,000 ranked players at the time the leaderboard cycles. 
- The amount of honor rewarded varies from 10,000 to 500 based on ranking.

= EVENT: Spreading Flames =
* A new limited time event has been added: Spreading Flames.
- Players of all levels can participate in the event at 8:00 AM, 12:00 PM and 4:00 PM PDT every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. [15:00, 19:00, 23:00 GMT]
- To start the event, locate the event NPC known as the Dragon Hunter in Lilyut Hills, Tigerspine Mountains, Growlgate Island and Mirage Island.
- Only one reward item can be obtained each weekend.
*** NOTE: This will not be enabled on PTS until we can get a build that supports an earlier start date than our intended live date.

* The amount of Appraisal Certificates required to initiate a land sale has changed based on the size of the property being sold:
- 8x8 Workstations require 1 Certificate
- 16x16 Cottages, Farms and Aquafarms require 1 Certificate
- 24x24 Medium Houses or Gazebo Farms require 2 Certificates
- 28x28 Large Houses require 3 Certificates
- 44x44 Mansions require 4 Certificates
* Cyanfin’s “Sonar” skill has been re-added. All existing versions of the Dolphin Mount will receive this skill retroactively.
* Hanure the Hunter, a world boss in Hasla, has been increased to level 55.
- The level bump has increased its max health, mana and strength of certain skills like any good level bump should.
* The quest to obtain the Crimson Lightning Mount has been added to Hasaru, an NPC located in Hasla, at the Abandoned Drill Camp. 
- The requirements to obtain this quest include level 30 and ownership of the Earthen Roar mount.
- Pirates cannot currently take this quest (or any Hasla Weapon Quest for that matter) and this is under review.
- Crimson Lightning’s Stealth ability has received a duration reduction to ensure it doesn’t last as long as the ability’s cooldown.
* The Red Dragon world boss now drops a Gilt Red Dragon Statue 100% of the time. This is in addition to its current drop list, which includes pretty much every player to come in range.

* Fixed a display issue when loading mail at a mailbox.
* Fix an issue that prevented Captain’s Intuition from expiring.
* The Rudolph Hauler is now summoned with the Owner’s Mark buff active.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Red Dragon Wings Cape & Pegasus Screenshots & Video

Red Dragon Wings Cape from the upcoming Spirit of the Red Dragon Event (scheduled launch 3/24). Get more information on the upcoming event and how to obtain the wings here.


Pegasus! Get more information on the new mount here.

Without Armor
With Armageddon Armor


3/13 Livestream Recap

This weeks livestream is hosted by:
Producer Merv “Khrolan” Lee Kwai
Associate Producer Amanda “Amary” Fry
Senior Community Relations Manager Evan “Scapes” Berman

SoA Overview

  • It's released
  • Has gone well overall
  • Servers have been stable
  • Missing Quests in SoA
    • To join the crimson watch
      • And forge your first obsidian weapon
    • They were updated in KR and cannot be released until 1.7
    • Talking with XL to see if some can be brought back that aren't 1.7 dependent

SoA Forecast / PTS

  • PTS is up
    • Will be down for the weekend
      • And back up on Tuesday
        • Will have a new build
  • Enhancements to SoA
    • Fishing & Arena tournaments
      • Not available this weekend, but the following weekend
      • So 3/20
    • Cyanfin has sonar
    • Aiming for 3/24 Live release
      • Not a hard date
    • Appraisal cert change
      • Now size of land change the amount of appraisal certs needed
        • 8x8 and not small farms (crafting stations), 16x16, Including aquafarms are 1 cert
        • 24x24, Thatched Houses, Gazebos, are 2 certs
        • 28x28 are 3 certs
        • 44x44, Mansions, are 4 certs
    • Hanure the hunter
      • Raid boss in Hasla
      • Level increase to 55
      • Drops Earthen Roar
      • Will also drop essences to upgrade Earthen Roar to Crimson Lightning
        • Crimson Lightning has unique armor
          • Can be purchased from stable hand for in game gold
    • New Event
      • Spirit of the Red Dragon
      • Runs for about 8 weekends
        • Weekend defined Thursday - Sunday
      • A mob will spawn 3x a day
        • In a lower end zone
        • Kind of a hub zone
      • Players will kill the mob
      • The corpse will remain in the world for an hour
      • Interact with the corpse to gain
    • New Mount
      • Pegasus!
      • Planned live release of 3/26
      • Flight has 60 second cooldown
      • 5 Minute glide time
      • Not affected by turbulence
      • Cannot fly with a pack on
      • Can be killed
        • While in flight too
      • Removed archery snipe ability
      • And the other repeat usable one
      • Turns slowly compared to other gliders
      • First gliding mount
        • Will be monitoring it after release
      • Will be for loyalty
        • For 625 or 650 tokens
      • Will also be in an Archeum Supply Crates
        • See Updated Archeum Supply Crates
      • Screenshots and video here

Marketplace / Patron
  • Improved Archeum Supply Crates
    • Removed starlight crystals
    • Removed Expertise Tonics
    • Got rid of a lot of the stuff nobody likes in them
    • Doubled drop rate of rare items
      • Including Pegasus
    • New Idea with boxes is
      • No matter what you got out of it you would find it valuable
      • Not just crap stuff nobody likes
  • Increasing Value of Patron
    • Coming in April
    • Offline Labor will have same regeneration rate as online labor for patrons
    • Access to Auction House anywhere in the world through a UI button
    • 3 Additional Changes that will be discussed as we get closer to the change
  • Yata costumehas the deaggro dance
    • The buff is random
    • Although you can spam it to get the one you want
    • Less of a concern since it's PvE
    • Much more sensitive to things that affect PvP
    • They thought it was not impactful enough that it had to be removed
      • It is not flat stats.

Will the secrets pack anypost owl be available anywhere else?
No plans for this, it is one of the selling points of the secrets pack

How about the albino yata?
Same as last question.

Will there be a heads up before removing items from the loyalty store?
Yes there will be ample warning given before items are removed.

Archeum / Crafting

  • Mid to late April
  • Will be enhancing the drop rate in the game
  • All coinpurses will see an improved drop rate of archeum
  • The exact number is still in the air
    • It's a significant increase
  • Will favor sunlight and moonlight over starlight
    • Current it is 3/3/3
    • Will change to 4/4/2
  • Archeum Trees will also be enhanced
    • Won't always drop dusts
    • Will also drop crystals and shards
  • Will have ways to convert crystals off one type to another
    • Ex: sunlight to moonlight
    • At ratios that make sense
    • This sounds further off in the future
  • Regrades may be improved

Can we get custom designs for gazebo farm, like the ones for farm carts?
It isn't in the pipeline but Trion would love to see this.

Any update on the unfuse system?
It is in development, to clarify this is a system to emove an image item from a piece of gear and our rough timeline late April.

Can farmers get better things like mounts with vocation badges, things on par with Honor?
They are looking into this and want to give better options to use vocation badges for.

Can you proc above Celestial when crafting obsidian?
We don't have a good answer. We've asked XL games and are waiting for a response. Will also poll data to see if it's ever happened, but they don't think it can happen.

Any fix for the bug where crest is showing someone else's crest or blank?
XL is aware of it and currently fixing it.

Regrade rocks timeline?
Not sure when this coming yet.

Mounts / Vehicles

Will pets be able to level to 55?
No current plans.

Timber coupe?
Around 1.7 All changes we've talked about today will be before timber coupe.


  • Server Management
    • Today was the first day limiting new character creation on higher population servers
      • Goal is to stimulate the lower population servers
      • Will see it especially when they expect an influx of new players
      • Could potentially last longer than just the weekend
      • They are monitoring
  • Forum link to get details on what servers are currently affected
  • Valentines Contest
    • It's been a month, sorry, PAX put it on the back burner
    • Winners have been chosen
    • Results will be out at the end of today
    • See results here (Will update with link when posted)
  • Server transfers
    • We want to offer this in the future
    • The tech is currently not available
    • For the time being trying to increase the population on lower population servers
      • So less people want to leave them in the first place
  • 1.7 Patch Name
    • Will have a thread where players can suggest names
    • Will take them and put into a poll
    • Trion will select from the finalists that win the poll
  • Stream Giveaways
    • 1 Pegasus (must wait until it launches)
    • 5 Secrets Packs

Why are you guys streaming? You should be off farming libary.
Khrolan - I'm actually AFK in library right now.

What server do you play on?
A lot of Trion employees play on Ezi, most of the finance department.

Will there be a new divine gift?
No, current events will be the free library indexes in the mail and the red dragon event. Indexes will be coming daily until 3/24.

Is 1.7 on schedule?
Yes, the process is going really well. Aiming towards end of April, or beginning of May, May is more likely. Will be on PTS 2 weeks before it goes live

Race changes?
This not currently feasible, but may come eventually.

Can plate armor get magic resist?
This is in in-depth talks with XL Games.

Will we ever be able to use the Casino?
No plans to use it. Gambling in games is very tricky.

Will you post the answers to the questions on the forums for those that can't watch the livestream?
Not directly. (Gunthore) I will post them there.

Is anything being done about the random inventory scrambles?
Will raise to XL but be warned it is a low priority bug since it doesn't affect gameplay.

We're working on this. We want to get the KR changes earlier than planned but that has lots of challenges. We will likely have to continue on our update schedule and get it when it comes.

Arena Rankings
Part of Arena Tournament. Does not take 1v1s and make them have a persistent leaderboard. They are weekly tournaments and give rewards at the end of the week. Winners get medium valuable rewards to more players vs high value rewards to a few players

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Marketplace and Loyalty Store Update (Yata Costumes)

Originally Posted by Trion Scapes (View Original Source)

Marketplace Update: Yata Costumes Jump into ArcheAge

Marketplace Update: Yata Costumes Jump into ArcheAge
The Marketplace has been updated!

New Marketplace Items

  • Yata Pirate’s Treasure Chest: Has a rare chance to contain the True Blue Yata Costume or Blackjack Yata Pirate Costume. Available for 420 Credits.
    • Important: Currently the in-game tooltip states that the Bloody Adorable Yata Pirate Costume has a chance to come from the Yata Pirate’s Treasure Chest instead of the True Blue Yata Costume – this is a tooltip error and will be fixed at a later date.
    • Important: True Blue Yata Costume and Blackjack Yata Pirate Costume are NOT dyeable.
    • Important: Yata Pirate’s Treasure Chest, True Blue Yata Costume, and Blackjack Yata Pirate Costume are untradeable.
  • Cheerberry Yata Costume: Celebrate Yatas by dressing up as one in this adorable costume complete with a special Yata Dance ability! Available for 1950 Credits.
    • Important: Cheerberry Yata Costume is NOT dyeable.
  • Rabbit-Yata Plushie Hood: Dress up as a Yata dressing up as a Rabbit with this plushie head gear. Available for 200 Credits.
  • Yata Hats: A plethora of Yata-inspired hats have arrived for fashion-forward Yata fans! Available for 200 Credits each.
    • Black Yada Yada Yata Hat
    • Blue Rabbit-Yata Hat
    • Green Rabbit-Yata Hat
    • Red Rabbit-Yata Hat
    • Striped Yada Yada Yata Hat
    • Yada Yada Yata Hat
  • Jumbo Groundling Shaman Plushie: Now is your chance to own a plushie of a Kobold, what a momentous occasion! Currently this item has the wrong name and is NOT the same as the previously offered Jumbo Groundling Shaman Plushie. The name will be corrected in a future build. Available for 500 Credits.
  • Grand XP Restoration Scroll: Use this scroll to restore lost experience for character levels 45-52. Available for 50 Credits.
  • Rare XP Restoration Scroll: Use this scroll to restore lost experience for character level 53. Available for 100 Credits.
  • Arcane XP Restoration Scroll: Use this scroll to restore lost experience for character level 54. Available for 200 Credits.
  • Ayanad Library Passes
    • Ayanad 3-Day & 7-Day Pass: 1st Floor Lobby: Use to teleport to the Instropect Path on the first floor of the Ayanad Library. Has a 5-minute cooldown but can be used any number of times before it decays in 3 or 7 days. 3-Day version available for 100 Credits and 7-Day version available for 180 Credits.
    • Ayanad 3-Day & 7-Day Pass: 2nd Floor Lobby: Use to teleport to the Verdant Skychamber on the second floor of the Ayanad Library. Has a 5-minute cooldown but can be used any number of times before it decays in 3 or 7 days. 3-Day version available for 200 Credits and 7-Day version available for 380 Credits.
    • Ayanad 3-Day & 7-Day Pass: 3rd Floor Lobby: Use to teleport to the Evening Botanica on the third floor of the Ayanad Library. Has a 5-minute cooldown but can be used any number of times before it decays in 3 or 7 days. 3-Day version available for 400 Credits and 7-Day version available for 720 Credits.

New Loyalty Store Items

  • Bloody Adorable Yata Pirate Costume: Ever wanted to be a Pirate Yata? Now is your chance! Also grants the Yata Dance ability when worn. Available for 250 Loyalty Tokens.
    • Important: Bloody Adorable Yata Pirate Costume is NOT dyeable.
  • Sunpoint: Used to craft Weapon Regrade Scrolls. Available for 10 Loyalty Tokens.
  • Moonpoint: Used to craft Armor Regrade Scrolls. Available for 10 Loyalty Tokens.
  • Starpoint: Used to craft Accessory Regrade Scrolls. Available for 10 Loyalty Tokens.
  • Lucky Sunpoint: Used to craft Resplendent Weapon Regrade Scrolls. Available for 100 Loyalty Tokens.
  • Lucky Moonpoint: Used to craft Resplendent Armor Regrade Scrolls. Available for 50 Loyalty Tokens.
  • Lucky Starpoint: Used to craft Resplendent Accessory Regrade Scrolls. Available for 50 Loyalty Tokens.
  • Blessed Fire Lunadrop: Lunastone used to grant a +8 Strength enchantment onto a piece of gear.
  • Blessed Gale Lunadrop: Lunastone used to grant a +8 Agility enchantment onto a piece of gear.
  • Blessed Earth Lunadrop: Lunastone used to grant a +8 Stamina enchantment onto a piece of gear.
  • Blessed Wave Lunadrop: Lunastone used to grant a +8 Intelligence enchantment onto a piece of gear.
  • Blessed Life Lunadrop: Lunastone used to grant a +8 Spirit enchantment onto a piece of gear.

Items removed from the Marketplace

  • Eastern Legacy Chest
  • Rosy Springtime Top, Bottoms, and Shoes
  • Sunny Springtime Top, Bottoms, and Shoes
  • Sunset Springtime Top, Bottoms, and Shoes
  • Blood Dream Dynasty Robes
  • Jumbo Groundling Shaman Plushie

Monday, March 9, 2015

Secrets of Ayanad Patch Notes and Update Schedule

ArcheAge Updating to Secrets of Ayanad

ArcheAge Updating to Secrets of Ayanad
ArcheAge is updating to Secrets of Ayanad (Version 1.2 Build 5.0)! The patch notes can be found below.
• The new zone of Diamond Shores is now available! Far across the Arcadian Sea, and to the west of the existing Auroria zones, this highly contested region benefits from unique access to the Ayanad Library, a variety of conveniences, and multiple climates.
○ For North America and Europe, Diamond Shores is a contested zone that cycles through the war and peace stages. Honor can be earned in Diamond Shores during war. ○ Areas around the Library and the hubs outside are protected similarly to Nui statues.
○ For more details on Diamond Shores, see the Secrets of Ayanad Spotlight: Diamond Shores article.
• The ruins of the Ayanad Library have been discovered and opened to adventurers. The Ayanad Library is a massive construction unlike any other seen in Erenor, consisting of three floors with dozens of rooms as well as boss and ring-event fights. Each level comes in three open instances that anyone can enter and leave at will, regardless of faction or group status.
○ The interior of the Library is a no-PvP area.
○ For more details on the Ayanad Library, see the Secrets of Ayanad Spotlight: Ayanad Library article.
• The maximum character and skill tree levels have been increased to 55!
○ One additional skill point is earned for each level above 50, resulting in a total of 28 skill points at max level.
○ The amount of experience required for each level from 50-55 has been adjusted in our region, and is lower than the original Korean region requirements.
○ For more details on the new level cap, see the Secrets of Ayanad Spotlight: Level 55 article.
• New active skills are available in each skill tree at level 55:
○ Archery: Snipe – A long range, high damage shot that deals damage to everything in its path.
○ Auramancy: Mirror Warp – Readies an option for 5 seconds to strafe-teleport left or right on command.
○ Battlerage: Behind Enemy Lines – A targeted AoE that launches the character forward while snaring and damaging enemies in the targeted area.
○ Defense: Fortress – Shoves enemies away while pulling allies closer. Provides a short-term damage reduction to pulled-in allies.
○ Occultism: Death’s Vengeance – Deals area damage within 15 meters when you die.
○ Sorcery: God’s Whip – Damages all enemies in range with a blast of energy. Can be used multiple times in quick succession.
○ Shadowplay: Throw Dagger – A short-range AoE that damages the target as well as nearby enemies. Also debuffs anyone hit with decreased movement, attack, and casting speeds.
○ Songcraft: [Perform] Grief’s Cadence – Reduces the duration of negative effects on your allies, and increases the duration of negative effects on an enemy.
○ Vitalism: Whirlwind’s Blessing – Boosts attack and movement speeds of your allies while debuffing your enemies in a large area.
○ Witchcraft: Fiend’s Knell – Summons a Weeping Dead ally to attack nearby aggressive targets.
• All initial six tiers of Obsidian Weapons can now be crafted, and the materials for these weapons can be obtained throughout the world.
○ For more details on Obsidian Weapons, see the Secrets of Ayanad Spotlight: Obsidian Weapons article.
• Ayanad Costumes can be crafted with materials obtained in the Ayanad Library. These three costumes can all be crafted at a special crafting bench just outside the Ayanad Library using the following materials:
○ 100 Ayanad Costume Design Scraps
○ 70 Enchanted Skeins
○ 50 Disciple’s Tears
○ 400 Gilda Dust
○ 10 Blood Archeum Crystals
• Experia Sunflower, Duck, Pumpkin, and Pine patches can now be crafted at a Farmer’s Workstation. These are large crops that grant experience instead of items when they are harvested.
• Borderless windowed mode is now available under Options > Screen > Screen Mode.
• Inverted mouse axis is now available under Options > Functionality > Scroll down to the bottom of this pane.
• Trade chat is now faction-wide instead of zone specific.
• When placing new property, if you have two placed properties with unfinished construction, you will be blocked from placing any more. If you have more than two unfinished properties, you will need to reduce that number (through completion or demolition) to bring that number below two before you can claim additional land. Fellowship Plazas do not count towards this limit.
• Monsters in Sungold Fields and Exeloch that were previously capped at level 50 are now uncapped and drop Obsidian Weapon components.
• The proficiency requirements to craft Illustrious through Delphinad tier gear have been reduced or removed.
• Calamitous Vyrava can now be properly summoned with Timespace Scrolls.
• The “Ghost of the Royal Tomb” quest no longer displays a system string when interacting with the Royal Stone Coffin.
• The “Harvest the Cotton” quest can now be completed properly.
• The “Trouble at the Weeping Mine” quest can now be completed properly.
• The Mirage Donkey’s incorrectly high strafe and backup speeds have been fixed.
This update will be available for download via Glyph during the announced EU and NA server outages. Please visit our Server Status forum for details.
Looking to try out the new content early? The Public Test Server has been updated with this latest patch and is available now.

Exclamation ArcheAge EU Secrets of Ayanad Update: 3/10/15 at 11:00 AM GMT (PDT+7)

Hi everyone!

The EU servers will be receiving their update to the Secrets of Ayanad build on Tuesday, March 10th. The downtime is scheduled to begin at 11:00am GMT and finish no earlier than 3:00pm GMT (15:00). Due to the competition involved in this type of release we will not be opening servers early even if the update completes faster than expected.

When the EU servers open, they will also have the latest Marketplace and Loyalty Store updates available.

As always, thank you for joining us, and we'll see you in Diamond Shores!

Exclamation ArcheAge NA Secrets of Ayanad Update: 3/10/15 at 11:00 AM PDT (GMT-7)

Hi everyone!

The NA servers will be receiving the update to the Secrets of Ayanad build on Tuesday, March 10th. The downtime is scheduled to begin at 11:00am PDT and finish no earlier than 3:00pm PDT. Due to the competition involved in this type of release we will not be opening servers early even if the update completes faster than expected.

Additionally, the Marketplace will be unavailable on NA servers starting at 7:00am PDT. It will return when the servers open with Secrets of Ayanad in the afternoon, and will be updated with the latest Marketplace and Loyalty Store items.

Thank you for joining us! We'll see you in Diamond Shores.