Khrolan - Merv Lee Kwai - Producer
Amary - Amanda Fry - Associate Producer
Scapes - Evan Berman - Senior Community Relations Manager
- Clarified decisions are made mutually between both Trion and XL Games.
- Lockboxes
- Increasing the value of items in lockboxes so you don't get a worthless lockbox
- Increasing the drop rate of the main items people are looking for out of lockboxes
- Lockboxes are here to stay, they are a big source of revenue and directly keep the game afloat
- These changes will take place in future lockboxes, dolphin lockbox is the same as past lockboxes
- Kick timer is gone
- Blockades are fine, even AFK blockades
- Training mobs to blockaders and killing them is just as fine
- Anything using game mechanics is fine
- May shorten auto-verdict timer for AFK jurors
- AFK Mount leveling is 100% fine.
Secrets of Ayanad
- Level 55 update
- They have the build, the final release candidate
- Testing on internal servers
- Goal to have it on PTS within the next week
- Includes Library, Obsidian Weapons, Ayanad Weapons and Armor
- New lunraite tier, Fine lunarite
- Tier above superior lunarite.
- Used to craft tier 3 handicraft gems
- Diamond Shores
- New land
- Implementing max 2 unbuilt properties (considered making it 1 for launch)
- Library
- Library is HUGE.
- 3 Floors, 64 rooms per floor.
- New coin purses, Librarian Pouches
- Can drop archeum crystals
- Very rare chance to drop archeum essences
- Stolen Library Bags
- In addition to Librarian pouches
- Cost labor to open
- More likely to drop archeum essences
- Commonly drop archeum crystals
- Will be a good influx of archeum
Economy / Land / Crafting
- Along with removing gold sellers gold in game and increased labor the economy has deflated 30%-50%
Q: Any plans to provide protection for players who are demolishing their own properties so they can rebuild without their property getting sniped.
A: Has been talked about, but likely nothing will change. It's a risk that you take and that's just how land works in the game.
Q: It takes a lot of appraisal certs to put a property up for sale, any chance of increasing the amount of gold you can put on one?
A: Trying to make appraisal certs more valid. Trying to improve so you only need 1 cert for a transaction regardless of price of the structure.
Q: Since timber coupe is no longer available for purchase with voaction badges will we see anything added to make covation badges more valuable?
A: Nothing currently. There has been an internal suggestion to be able to use vocation badges to get things that are in the cash shop, no plans on this right now, though.
Q: Tax certs are continually increasing in cost on the AH, any plans to combat that?
A: No, it's supply and demand plus there are other options like making your own certs or using loyalty. With the afk kick gone, it could lower the tax certs since more people can earn more labor and may use it to make their own tax certs.
Q: Can players expect more expensive items to be added to the loyalty store like gliders or uniforms?
A: They hope so, also regrade items are coming, no time table.
Q: Larceny getting any more uses?
A: Not likely, 100% up to XL.
Q: Blue salt title quests removed for cooking and alchemy?
A: They will be back when XL gives them back in a build. XL removed them and haven't put them back into a build yet.
Q: Mirage island fishing competitions?
A: Same time as arenas.
Future Updates
Q: Any chance of reintroducing the bounty hunter system that used to exist.
A: No plans to bring it back, too easily abused.
Q: Could waterlogged boxes return to fishing?
A: That's an XL question, probably not. Devs didn't like how easy the reward was and wanted fishing to shift focus to sport fishing.
Q: Obsidian Armor?
A: Armor and the second offshoot of weapons are in future builds, 1.7 or later. Right now we are getting weapons tiers 1-6. It is the obsidian weapons users are expecting.
Q: Subamarine and timber coupe timelines?
A: Sub is not before 1.7.
Q: Submarine glider 2015?
A: Would love it, not likely. It's not a real thing.
Q: Will the empty mirage island stalls be populated with SoA?
A: Not aware of any upcoming changes.
Q: What is the dev's current opinion on the archeum supply in the game.
A: Archeum supply is low to keep it valuable. They talk with XL on how to introduce archeum into the game. They monitor where all sources of archeum are coming from to see if any need to be modified, but to do so they must ask XL to make the change.
Q: Unfusing feature?
A: Would love it, is a top request from Trion to XL.
Q: Any chance of making Hasla Rift open more often, maybe once or twice per day?
A: No info on this. Is a change coming to a raid world boss, will be revamped and will drop a new mount, it's the red version of one of the high end cat mounts. No date yet.
Q: Turn off potions and food in arenas?
A: They see the value in that.
Q: Any other ways to earn honor?
A: Arena rankings, coming after lvl 55, before 1.7.
Q: Any chance of speeding up the rate that zones level through the different danger tiers, basically reducing the number of kills required after a server reset?
A: This is a good suggestion, will look into this. Saving the state of the zone before a restart is a difficult task.
Q: Offline vs online labor.
A: Offline labor regen is a popular topic, the way that it is is likely the way it's staying. There's been a lot of conversation and negotiation (with XL games) where all possibilities have been considered and this is what we ended up with. It makes sense to have offline the same regen as online. Amoerys implied that this is out of their control and the best they could do was get rid of the AFK kick.
Q: Was it intended for people to be able to AFK their prison time?
A: No, it was just a consequence of removing the AFK kick timer.
Q: Reward for serving 100 trials as jury, how about a reward for serving 100 trials as defendant?
A: Yeah, you're a pirate. (So no)
Q: Rumored that black pearl was removed in 1.7 in Korea?
A: Untrue.
Q: Normalization? Will it be removed, why was it done and by whom?
A: Normalization is that all mounts should be similar. Differences only in abilities. Players want tiered mounts for the ones they have to work hard for to be better. The plan is to elevate them slightly, between 0.5 to 1 m/s run speed to the higher tier mounts.
Costume stats are not likely to come back anytime soon, it was done to avoid a "Pay to win fashion show." Even on hard to obtain costumes.
Q: AFK mount leveling?
A: Totally fine. Trion is more concerned at policing things that actually matter like gold sellers than someone with a toothpick in their keyboard.
Q: Any chance to rearrange the portal book?
A: They would like to, but it isn't a priority.
Q: Can we lower rider's escape cooldown since we're seeing increased blockades?
A: Fair request, no plans currently. Will have to look into it.
Cart collision is something that is being looked into. No word on any outcome, but players have been asking for the ability for one cart to push another out of the way to combat blockades.
Will be at PAX East. It will have an exclusive glider. Similar to the purple ones from last year, but red. Please come to PAX east to talk about offline labor regen and healer itemization.
In case you missed the stream you can check the video on demand of the 2/13/15 ArcheAge live stream on Trion's Twitch page.
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