Friday, February 6, 2015

ArcheAge Livestream Recap & Link to Video

XL Games visited Trion to talk about localization:

  • Tier 3 mounts should be better than other mounts
  • Healer itemization needs to be improved
  • Arena matchmaking is a problem XL Games recognizes
  • They spoke on consumables in Arena, no changes discussed
  • AFK timer should be removed (estimated with Secrets of Ayanad)
  • Sieges and (house) collision detection to be improved

Upcoming Content Releases (anticipated schedule):

  • Increased level cap to 55 in March (Diamond Shores)
  • 1.7 part 1 in May
  • 1.7 part 2 in July
  • 1.8  in September
  • Game updates every 2 months, promotions being run in the off months

  • Divine Gifts running until upping level cap to 55
  • 4 Secrets of Ayanad spotlight articles coming soon (The third will be on weapons)
  • Borderless windowed mode and inverted mouse expected
  • Valentines Day Costumes will ship in a future update
  • Diamond Shores spotlight article next week (will be a PvP zone)
  • Valentines Day Caption contest next week

PTS Wipe:
  • PTS is being wiped for the updates with secrets of Ionod.
  • Fluffy giving better gear and more specialized to your role for testing secrets of ayanad dungeons
  • You can save your appearance at a barber which will save it to a file you can reload after the wipe so you don't have to customize your look again
  • Credits will not be wiped

General / Q&A:
  • Trion has worked with XL Games to make changes to the servers and how they handle incoming requests to combat DDoS attacks
  • Server merges are not being considered currently, servers are in a fine spot
  • Server transfers should be free when possible, but currently the technology does not exist
  • Bots report rewards taking longer to ship since bots are getting smarter and taking longer to be banned
  • Considering limiting under construction properties (houses and farms) to two
  • No plans to change labor regeneration, pretty happy where with it is now
  • No stats on Library costumes
  • No submarine anytime soon
  • No current plans to increase family size, will discuss it though
  • More housing is coming
  • Taxes are in a good place right now
  • No magic resist on plate

The stream had over 2100 live viewers and can be viewed at TrionWorlds Twitch, 2/6/15 Livestream if you missed it and want to check it out.

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