Producer Merv “Khrolan” Lee Kwai,
Lead Producer Victoria “FireCait” Voss,
Associate Producer Amanda “Amary” Fry,
Brand Manager Michael "Krazzyr" Lee,
Brand Manager Michael "Krazzyr" Lee,
and Local Version Editor Kendall.
Spring Tidings Gift
Freedich Island
"Gear of Legends" score
Updated UI
New patron benefits
Improved Scarecrow Farm
House Items
Obsidian Armor/Weapons
Dawnsdrop Armor
1v1 Arenas
Spring Tidings Gift
- Get it for free from the Trion website or Glyph store
- Includes
- ArcheAge Plushie
- "Spring Tidings" title
- Decreases production time by 2%
- 4 Week long (168 hour) Easter egg buffs
- Health regen +1
- Mana regen +1
- XP increased by 5%
- Movespeed increased by 2%
Dread Prophecies (1.7A)
- Everything below is coming in 1.7A
- Patch notes are over 600 lines long
- TONS of content coming in this patch
- These notes cover about 1/3 of the content coming with Dread Prophecies
- Updated ETA is end of April or early May
- Don't be mad if it's delayed a bit
- Because there is so much stuff to be tested
New Zones
- Golden Ruins
- Mistmerrow
- Big changes to Freedich Island
Golden Ruins
- Designed for players that want to get to 55
- While getting out of the library
- Level 53-55 creatures
- Varying difficulty
- Easier than library
- Central hub for the Crimson Watch
- Continue the quest line to create your first obsidian weapon
- Some creatures in the zone drop some highly coveted items
- More info later
- Hostile zone
- No honor earned for PvP kills
- No local lord
- Large player housing area
- At least double the size of Diamond Shores housing area
- Temperate and Arid
- Basically the new PvP zone
- You gain honor for kills
- New game and cycles like Halycona
- Fight to control towers
- At end of the conflict period team with most towers wins
- All sides get tokens
- Winners get more
- Teams may not just be based on faction
- Based on Kingdom?
- More details will come in a spotlight later
- Tokens can be redeemed "really cool" musical instruments
- Proven Warrior Instrument
- Cost 300 Warrior's Medals
- 10 different instruments
- One for each class
- Has appropriate stat for the class
- Increases the rank of one skill for that class
- Archery +1 Intensity
- Shadowplay +1 Freerunner
- Auramancy +1 Health Lift
- Witchcraft +1 Insidious Whisper
- Occultism +1 Retribution
Freedich Island
- Housing will be removed
- You will get compensated for losing your house
- Should be unique and worthwhile
- You will have any teleports removed from your memory tomb
- Removing any ability to port there
- Specs are losing ability to port to them as well
- Losing guards
- Canons will be manned by players
- Increasing the competition on Freedich
- New content coming on and around Freedich
- A gold trader will spawn
- Will trigger a global message
- Stays up for a couple hours
- Gives ridiculous gold per track
- 20 gold per Halcyona specialty pack from the specialty station
- Ocean trader
- Added to each continent as well
- He takes specialy types of trade packs
- Made on the ocean
- Salvaged from a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean
- Turns in for lots of gold
- Resource trader on Freedich
- Will give rare item for building ship parts
- Tracked in a new tab in the quest tracker
- Over 200 achievements added
- Examples
- Travelling across the world
- Leveling
- Killing high end objectives
- Building a large house
- Earn Merit Badges for completing them
- Can be used to earn "great" rewards
- Unique glider
- Costume
- More
- Will autocomplete any achievements you've already completed when the patch goes live
- Sorted by level
- Proficiency increased to 180k skill cap
- 10 Proficiency Ranks
- Ranks
- 1. Novice - 7
- 2. Veteran - 6
- 3. Expert - 5
- 4. Master - 4
- 5. Authority - 3
- 6. Champion - 2
- 7. Artisan Lv3 - 2
- 8. Artisan Lv4 - 2
- 9. Artisan Lv5 - 2
- 10. Master Lv1(?) - 2
- Exploration
- New Proficiency
- Evolution of the Nui Tear system
- Based on exploring zones
- Fills a progress bar for each zone
- Artistry
- Getting introduction quests
- A title
- Create the new floating storage chests
- Farming Competition
- 2 Weeks to grow as many glorious experia plants as you can
- Awarded housing items
- Furniture
- Stuff for farms
- Regrade changes
- Arcane - Celestial easier is the goal
- Archeum Update
- Archeum drops increasing by 50%
- Pouches can drop Archeum trees
"Gear of Legends" score
- Gear score
- Based on how progressed your gear is
- Includes sockets, etc
- Leader board for this
- No rewards
- You can see other people's gear score
- By mousing over their name
- Still can't see their exact gear
Updated UI
- Updated proficiency window
- Updated quest tracker
- Includes achievement tracker
New patron benefits
- 10 Labor points per 5 minutes offline regeneration
- 50% Reduced auction house commission fee
- 20% Increased XP gain
- 20% Decreased production time
- Life activities
- Crafting
- Farming
- Repair button added to inventory
- Auction house button will be added as well
Improved Scarecrow Farm
- New farm
- 16x16
- Combine some of the materials used in a Gazebo garden with existing 16x16
- It is also a farmer's workstation
- Built into the center of the farm (the post)
- Will be a way to revert farmer's workstation back to a normal 8x8
- Because of the new farm being added
House Items
- Approximately 40 new furniture items coming
- New lights
- New bed
- New floating storage chests
- Owner only
- 3 Different types
- Joyride vault
- Stores
- Mounts
- Pets
- Vehicles
- Splendid Costume Chest
- Stores
- Costumes
- Hummingbird Storage Chest
- Stores
- Sheet Music
- Limit 2 per house it seems
- All storage chests are getting auto sort with Dread Prophecies
Obsidian Armor/Weapons
- 5 pieces of armor
- No set bonus
- 2 Paths for Armor/Weapons
- Once you hit T3 you can split off
- Leather example
- Splits to ranged or melee
- Versions 1 and 2 Obsidian Armor available
- Also Obsidian Weapons version 2
- Split at T3
Dawnsdrop Armor
- New armor type
- Based on life activities
- Craft it the same as obsidian
- Takes salvaged armor
- Has combat stats
- But not really combat armor
- Similar to Auroria gear
- +20k to 3 different proficiencies per piece
- Increases the speed you do these proficiencies
- Hat
- Handicraft
- Tailoring
- Artistry
- Chest
- Weaponry
- Logging
- Exploration
- Belt
- Cooking
- Printing
- Husbandry
1v1 Arenas
- One of two changes coming
- Either forced to drop
- Or a path to let you get to the top
- HP reduced on
- Walls
- Towers
- Gatehouses
- Loadestone
- Increased
- War drum bonus
- Tower canon damage
- Houses being made invisible during siege
- To remove line of sight issues
- Still a couple of weeks out
- New fluffy commands
- Will give ship parts
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