Friday, April 3, 2015

4/2 Dread Prophecies Livestream Recap (Text Only)

This week's livestream is hosted by:
Producer Merv “Khrolan” Lee Kwai,
Lead Producer Victoria “FireCait” Voss,
Associate Producer Amanda “Amary” Fry,
Brand Manager Michael "Krazzyr" Lee,
and Local Version Editor Kendall.

Spring Tidings Gift

  • Get it for free from the Trion website or Glyph store
  • Includes 
    • ArcheAge Plushie
    • "Spring Tidings" title
      • Decreases production time by 2%
  • 4 Week long (168 hour) Easter egg buffs
    • Health regen +1
    • Mana regen +1
    • XP increased by 5%
    • Movespeed increased by 2%

Dread Prophecies (1.7A)

  • Everything below is coming in 1.7A
  • Patch notes are over 600 lines long
  • TONS of content coming in this patch
  • These notes cover about 1/3 of the content coming with Dread Prophecies
  • Updated ETA is end of April or early May
    • Don't be mad if it's delayed a bit
      • Because there is so much stuff to be tested

New Zones
  • Golden Ruins
  • Mistmerrow
  • Big changes to Freedich Island
Golden Ruins
  • Designed for players that want to get to 55
    • While getting out of the library
  • Level 53-55 creatures
    • Varying difficulty
    • Easier than library
  • Central hub for the Crimson Watch
    • Continue the quest line to create your first obsidian weapon
  • Some creatures in the zone drop some highly coveted items
    • More info later
  • Hostile zone
    • No honor earned for PvP kills
  • No local lord
  • Large player housing area
    • At least double the size of Diamond Shores housing area
    • Temperate and Arid
  • Basically the new PvP zone
    • You gain honor for kills
  • New game and cycles like Halycona
    • Fight to control towers
  • At end of the conflict period team with most towers wins
    • All sides get tokens
      • Winners get more
    • Teams may not just be based on faction
      • Based on Kingdom?
      • More details will come in a spotlight later
    • Tokens can be redeemed "really cool" musical instruments
      • Proven Warrior Instrument
      • Cost 300 Warrior's Medals
      • 10 different instruments
      • One for each class
      • Has appropriate stat for the class
      • Increases the rank of one skill for that class
        • Archery +1 Intensity
        • Shadowplay +1 Freerunner
        • Auramancy +1 Health Lift
        • Witchcraft +1 Insidious Whisper
        • Occultism +1 Retribution

Freedich Island

  • Housing will be removed
    • You will get compensated for losing your house
      • Should be unique and worthwhile
    • You will have any teleports removed from your memory tomb
  • Removing any ability to port there
  • Specs are losing ability to port to them as well
    • Losing guards
    • Canons will be manned by players
  • Increasing the competition on Freedich
  • New content coming on and around Freedich
  • A gold trader will spawn
    • Will trigger a global message
    • Stays up for a couple hours
    • Gives ridiculous gold per track
      • 20 gold per Halcyona specialty pack from the specialty station
  • Ocean trader
    • Added to each continent as well
    • He takes specialy types of trade packs
    • Made on the ocean
      • Salvaged from a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean
    • Turns in for lots of gold
  • Resource trader on Freedich 
    • Will give rare item for building ship parts


  • Tracked in a new tab in the quest tracker
  • Over 200 achievements added
  • Examples
    • Travelling across the world
    • Leveling
    • Killing high end objectives
    • Building a large house
  • Earn Merit Badges for completing them
    • Can be used to earn "great" rewards
      • Unique glider
      • Costume
      • More
  • Will autocomplete any achievements you've already completed when the patch goes live
  • Sorted by level


  • Proficiency increased to 180k skill cap
  • 10 Proficiency Ranks
    • Ranks
      • 1. Novice - 7
      • 2. Veteran - 6
      • 3. Expert - 5
      • 4. Master - 4
      • 5. Authority - 3
      • 6. Champion - 2
      • 7. Artisan Lv3 - 2
      • 8. Artisan Lv4 - 2
      • 9. Artisan Lv5 - 2
      • 10. Master Lv1(?) - 2
  • Exploration
    • New Proficiency
    • Evolution of the Nui Tear system
    • Based on exploring zones
    • Fills a progress bar for each zone
  • Artistry
    • Getting introduction quests
    • A title
    • Create the new floating storage chests
  • Farming Competition
    • 2 Weeks to grow as many glorious experia plants as you can
    • Awarded housing items
      • Furniture
      • Stuff for farms
  • Regrade changes
    • Arcane - Celestial easier is the goal
  • Archeum Update
    • Archeum drops increasing by 50%
    • Pouches can drop Archeum trees

"Gear of Legends" score

  • Gear score
  • Based on how progressed your gear is
    • Includes sockets, etc
  • Leader board for this
    • No rewards
  • You can see other people's gear score
    • By mousing over their name
    • Still can't see their exact gear

Updated UI

  • Updated proficiency window
  • Updated quest tracker
  • Includes achievement tracker

New patron benefits

  • 10 Labor points per 5 minutes offline regeneration
  • 50% Reduced auction house commission fee
  • 20% Increased XP gain
  • 20% Decreased production time
  • Life activities
    • Crafting
    • Farming
  • Repair button added to inventory
  • Auction house button will be added as well

Improved Scarecrow Farm

  • New farm
  • 16x16
  • Combine some of the materials used in a Gazebo garden with existing 16x16
  • It is also a farmer's workstation
    • Built into the center of the farm (the post)
  • Will be a way to revert farmer's workstation back to a normal 8x8
    • Because of the new farm being added

House Items

  • Approximately 40 new furniture items coming
  • New lights
  • New bed
  • New floating storage chests
    • Owner only
    • 3 Different types
      • Joyride vault
      • Stores
        • Mounts
        • Pets
        • Vehicles
    • Splendid Costume Chest
      • Stores 
      • Costumes
    • Hummingbird Storage Chest
      • Stores
      • Sheet Music
    • Limit 2 per house it seems
  • All storage chests are getting auto sort with Dread Prophecies

Obsidian Armor/Weapons

  • 5 pieces of armor
  • No set bonus
  • 2 Paths for Armor/Weapons
    • Once you hit T3 you can split off
  • Leather example
    • Splits to ranged or melee
  • Versions 1 and 2 Obsidian Armor available
  • Also Obsidian Weapons version 2
    • Split at T3

Dawnsdrop Armor

  • New armor type
  • Based on life activities
  • Craft it the same as obsidian
    • Takes salvaged armor
  • Has combat stats
    • But not really combat armor
    • Similar to Auroria gear
  • +20k to 3 different proficiencies per piece
  • Increases the speed you do these proficiencies
  • Hat 
    • Handicraft
    • Tailoring
    • Artistry
  • Chest
    • Weaponry
    • Logging
    • Exploration
  • Belt
    • Cooking
    • Printing
    • Husbandry

1v1 Arenas

  • One of two changes coming
    • Either forced to drop
    • Or a path to let you get to the top


  • HP reduced on
    • Walls
    • Towers
    • Gatehouses
    • Loadestone
  • Increased
    • War drum bonus
    • Tower canon damage
  • Houses being made invisible during siege
    • To remove line of sight issues


  • Still a couple of weeks out
  • New fluffy commands
    • Will give ship parts

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